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People Win Living Wage Ordinances Across the United States
From Baltimore to Chicago, from Boston to Minneapolis, coalitions of unions, community groups and churches have won living wage ordinances – and winning raises for low wage worker.
Living wage ordinances say that those companies and Government entities that use tax dollars or tax breaks must pay their workers a decent salary.
Living Wages in Arkansas
A coalition is being formed to press for living wages at the city and state level in Arkansas.
If you think that workers should be paid at least $8 an hour — and you want to work with others to get a Living Wage Ordinance passed, call Local 100’s Little Rock office at
Percentage raises unfair to lower wage state employees, workers mobilize to change this, press for a living wage
State employees earning $60,000 got a nice raise a couple of years ago when the Governor agreed to a 5% raise-around $3000. That same year, state employees who earn only $10,000 only got $500. When health insurance rates increase, these percentage raises become meaningless- since they see no difference – and sometimes a drop- in take home pay.
State employees, and those under contract with the state (including Personal Care Aides) are pulling together to make the cost of living raises fair. They are also working to press the state to set starting salaries higher-at no less than $8/hour.
Local 100 members across Arkansas are moving petitions in support of raising wages by:
- Providing supplemental raises for lower wage state employees and those under contract.
- Changing the grade scale so that starting salaries are no lower than $8/hour — the Federal Poverty level for a family of four. This change would give workers with seniority higher salaries than brand new staff in places where special entry rates are being used.
Ask people at work, in your neighborhood, church, and etc. who work for the state (or under contract with them) to sign a petition.
Contact Local 100’s Arkansas office and we’ll work with you to help you mobilize the people you know.