Photo Gllery

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Photo Gallery

About Local 100:
Local 100 SEIU is one of the largest unions in the South. Local 100 SEIU has a proven track record – and the strength in numbers – to win necessary changes to improve the quality of life of workers in Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas.Welcome to Local 100’s Photo Gallery. We have photos here from our recent campaign and election with New Orleans City Workers, as well as photos of our members and staff in San Antonio and Houston, Texas, and in Arkansas. If you have a photo of Local 100 members in action and want to have it considered for inclusion on this page, click here for our photo guidelines and instructions on how to submit your work.

You can find the city or worksite from the list below, or you can click on the “Start Here” button and get a tour of our Gallery.

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City of New Orleans campaign and election

Photos from Baton Rouge and from our Spring 2001 strike in Alexandria, LA

San Antonio City workers and staff

Conveyancing in Melbourne

Houston members

We will be adding photos soon, so check back often for updates.